
-Avalanche has been deleted. Please roleplay when you join!

-Thanks to everyone that has been active and made roleplay fun and always interesting.

- We need amateurs! We dont have any at the moment, but I will be advertising and hopefully getting more members.



On the outskirts of a busy city, a solitary building sits in the middle of a forest. This building was made there, in the middle of nowhere, because of what was happening inside. These were the experimentation labs. The outside of the building is a pure white structure with now shattered windows and large, heavy double doors at the entrance. Enormous trees surround the facilty with overgrown vines attaching to the outer walls, giving the place an eerie look. As you push you way through the double doors, you are greeted by a room with blood splattered carelessly on the once plain white walls. When you take a closer look, you realize the blood spells something out... 'The Savages'. You make your way quickly into another room, slightly scared now, where shattered test tubes are thrown around the area. It resembles a lab. The tile floors are cracked and broken. You see huge, bloody paw prints on the walls and floor and pick up the pace, running around the counters and chairs and shoving another door open. What you see on the other side of the door nearly makes you pass out on the spot. You try to turn and run but your muscles are locked. All you can do is stare at the enormous wolf-like creature in front of you. It is about to turn into the next corridor before it notices you. Its head snaps up and you can see it's menacing, blood red eyes. An incredibly loud growl rumbled up its throat as it started toward you with slow, prowling steps, paws cracking the tile even more beneath its feet. It stops, its nose just inches from yours. You try once again to turn but you know its too late. The wolf curls its lips back to reveal its bloodstained, razor sharp teeth before letting out a bone trembling snarl. You open your mouth to scream as the wolf lunges forward, but it is too late.


 Please only chat in the box above so the roleplaying boxes wont become cluttered.

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