I will list different plots below involving different characters on this site. Please post in the shoutbox if you have a plot.



-Hades, male Dicatator, and Ego have slowly found a liking to eachother after almost killing eachother. It may even be love. We will see what happens... :D


-Bella, a maiden in the pack, refuses to mate with the males. After refusing repeatedly, the pack decided to get rid of her since she was off no use. Before she was killed, she revealed her power: The ability to control the weather. And the Pack realized she was too valuable to kill.


- Name, a spy in the Pack, had side effects from the experimentation. Her fur color changes at certain intervals. She is currently learning to control this power and learn to blend into her surrounding. With this power, she can become virtually invisible, besides her red eyes. This could aid in her spy tecniques and make a side effect come in handy.


- Triste, an assassin in the Pack, has a side effect from the exerimentation. It makes her eyes change color depending on her emotions.


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