
A wolf lays on an operation table, awaiting the horrid 'sleeping gas', as he heard the other wolves call it. The ones that had come into the lab...they never came out. His frantic blue eyes stare at the human standing over him. He is wearing a huge slick white suit with a  large mask,  and rubber gloves. He places something over the wolf's muzzle and his vision slowly fades away until he is unconcious. ~~~~ When the wolf wakes again, he feels different. His body feels...stronger. He opens his now blood red eyes and finds himself in the same place as before, the humans surrounding him. One of them, a female by the looks of it, gasps "You didnt give him enough morphine!" she yelled at a doctor, who is staring at the enormous wolf in disbelief. The wolf already knew that he could end this. He knew that he could save the other wolves and end this horrid experimentation. The humans would pay. Whatever this new power was, it would be unstoppable. He rose to his paws, the operation table creaking under his weight. The wolf snarled, his knife-like teeth bared as he lunged toward the doctors with snapping jaws. Screams of terror echoed throughout the facilty as the wolves took over.

We arent wolves. We used to be, yes. But the humans altered us with their horrific experiments. We now are the size of horses, with paws as big as a bears. Our teeth are like butcher knives. Our eyes are blood red. Our bodies are packed with muscle. And our anger is like setting off a bottle rocket inside of your home. We have no control. We crave the taste of blood. And for what? Nothing. Who are we? Well thats not the question. The question is, who are you?



 About the site-

If you havent figured it out already, this is a roleplaying site about wolves that are 'super enhanced'. As I explained in the intro, they arent like normal wolves. They are larger, stronger, faster, and smarter. And also have no control over anger. This is an advanced roleplaying site and we roleplay in paragraph form, no *Stars*. The storyline is that scientists were conducting experiments on wolves and one wolf awoke before they could bring him to the 'holding chambers'. He released the other mutant wolves and hunted down the humans in the building before claiming the land as their own and naming themselves the Savages.



-All graphics were made by me, do not steal them!

- The site was created using Yola

- The idea for the site was completely mine.

- My good roleplaying friend Kallik was the one who persuaded me to make another site :D

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